"If I get married, I want to be very married."
-Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The One in Which we Sort-of Try and Readily Fail

You guys. Today we started an 11-day meal plan. It's time things get healthy over here. Here's the thing though, it lets you eat like 8 ingredients TOTAL! Total. Can someone please explain to me how cashews and deli sliced turkey counts as a meal?

Breakfast this morning was a hard boiled egg and strawberries. Doable. CHECK.

Here's when I decided that this was outrageous and I was going to starve and I hated this diet

Then, lunch: roast beef slices and cheese sticks. Uhhh, sure I guess that's real food.

Then I get an email from Mitchell saying, "hey you should wait and start the diet thing when you're not sick anymore". Of course I tell him absolutely not, I can do this!
M-"no really, you can cheat if you want"
M-"...I might have had some pizza for lunch on accident"

And there was the first fail.

Later on in the day I got another message.

M-"so today I was telling my friends in class about the new diet i'm starting and totally grabbed a sucker and started eating it while i was telling them".

Dieting is hard you guys.

We are quitting.

But since we really do want to eat healthier and we just bought tons of healthy food at Sunflower Market, I think we'll chuck the strict daily plan and eat the healthy food however we want.


The end.


  1. dang straight no one tells us what to do! plus... these extra 30 pounds look great with my beard...

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA you guys diet like us. One time, we did hcg (started on Monday) and Friday night we came home from work and I said "I'm starving!" And Roy said "OK, let's go to Arriba's for dinner." That burrito never tasted so good! :)

  3. Maybe thats what diets are for? To help you remember how good food tastes! So if food starts tasting bland ever.... just start a diet and immediately your better!
