"If I get married, I want to be very married."
-Audrey Hepburn

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ode to husband

In honor of Mitchell's recent collarbone fracture, I would like to dedicate this post to him.

This picture is from a different injury. I think his foot? I told him the rule was if he couldn't walk through walmart he couldn't go biking the next day. I forgot that rules don't apply to him.

The oxycodone M's doc gave him way too much of has made him ambitious. He's promised to take me and Fender on a little hike(walk) around Papago Park this afternoon.

M joined in on a girl's day pool outing, but his fair skin required a towel tent and no actual contact with sunlight. This picture just makes me laugh.

SO! While i am doing my best to keep my fears for his safety bottled inside, he is continually getting injured, and we are dealing with it. He really is the best, broken bones and all. Fun times, yeah?



  1. So, I'm reading back through the last few posts on your blog, and I have consistently posted on the last like 4 or 5. So why not keep it up? Thanks for your help the other day. Tell Mitchell we got all moved no thanks to him and his stupid broken collar bone.

  2. Um, there are like 3 houses just on our street that are for sale. Pretty sure you should buy one...
