"If I get married, I want to be very married."
-Audrey Hepburn

Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer time

I never thought this day would come. I, Leanne Katherine Smith Brown graduated from college. (Sort of). Pending my passing a Genetics summer school class I am an official ASU alum.

Right after graduation we headed out to DC for Miluska's graduation. Well, for that and to see
cute babies and play Boggle. Besides a few stitches in the Smasher's nose, the trip was a total success. We got to see all the monuments, the Library of Congress, and plethora of museums. There may have also been some dancing to Miley Cyrus for music video purposes.

Since then we took another trip. This time to my Aunt Karrie's cabin in Greer. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed some relaxing puzzle times and even went on a hike. For Fender's first vacation it went verrrry well. He loved being in the forest and hiked like a champion. Hopefully someday we can give him at least a yard to play in.


  1. Um, You guys are cool. Thats all.

  2. hey. you are a cool blogger because you don't take yourself too seriously. and i really mean that in a good way. but who are these code names?

  3. Code names? Smasher is my nephew Asher, the super cute one with a gash in his face. Fender is the dog I finally convinced my husband (Mitchell) to get me. He's the best. And yes I mean the dog...Mitchell is pretty neat too.
    P.S. Tor, we are thinking about moving to Seattle eventually. On the condition that you and I will be bffs again

  4. Love the blog Leanne! You guys need to come over for another dinner or something of the sort, so long as the kids weren't too much of an over-load because they loved you guys (we thought you were alright too :)

  5. 1. Appropriate title for you blog.
    2. Why didn't you post any pictures of Kev's baby?
    3. Congratulations on graduating. Maybe that should have been #1 but I think I already told you that, like, way back when you graduated. Which brings me to
    4. Update your blog more. I'm a blog stalker. I guess I can't really say much because I only update my blog when Braden learns something new..... Or makes some cute face and I happen to get it on camera. Life isn't really about Meagan and Roy anymore. My blog should be called "Braden Trevor Bryant....And No One Else."
    5. Have you thought of a project for us yet? Maybe we should learn how to make blankets and send them to the less fortunate.... Although that would take our focus away from GG....
    6. Love you! (was I on #6??)
