"If I get married, I want to be very married."
-Audrey Hepburn

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Things my dog is afraid of

This is my dog. His name is Fender. He is scared of a lot of things. Here's a list of some of them:

1) plastic bags
2) plastic water bottles
3) vacuums (how weird a word is vacuum? seriously though-vacuum vacuum vacuum)
4) mountain bikes
5) laundry baskets
6) backpacks (camelbacks in particular)
7) noisy clothing
8) bar stools
9) balloons
10)cell phones
11)any new toy
12)birthday hats
13)hot dog costumes
14)reindeer antlers

Okay those last few are sort of understandable because, how embarrassing for us to force those things upon him.

In summary this dog is scared of basically everything. Which is okay with us because it makes for a super well-behaved pet that will never run too far away or chew the tires of your bike.

Also it gives him this sweet personality, which is okay by us too.

Enough about your dog crazy lady.


1 comment:

  1. I HATE writing the word "vacuum"!! I always look at it over and over again to make sure that I spelled it correctly. I don't care if I never write that word again!
