"If I get married, I want to be very married."
-Audrey Hepburn

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Home alone

For my first official blog post on my first official blog, I would like to start out with a complaint... about my husband (of 4 months and 4 days). It goes something like this: I can't get enough of him. Which makes nights like this, when it's past midnight and he's been at the studio doing what he loves all night and I'm at home alone avoiding homework and failing at 1000 piece puzzles-pretty sad. On the plus side, if this keeps up it has been agreed upon that I can have a puppy to keep me company despite Mitchell's hatred for all things furry (and smelly). I've decided not to hold my breath though since we live in a second floor apartment and are both gone all day. Dogs need yards, and people with time to feed and bathe them. Someday...someday.


  1. I remember those early days of wanting to be together all day every day. It hasn't changed much but has become a lot easier as a result of being busy and years of practice. I wish you the best of luck dear Leanne.

  2. So remember that one time that Mitchell was grossed out by Braden's diaper? He told me tonight when he walked out to the car with me "He wasn't the cutest newborn, but he is SO cute now!" I decided to take it as a compliment...
