"If I get married, I want to be very married."
-Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Living your Legend

Ok. So I stopped posting for a while. Seriously though, it gets a little depressing to write about your life when it's not going the way you want.

At the Kimball Stake family vacation Mitchell and I went to Brother Gneiting's class called "Living your Legend." And it was way awesome. Part of it was to write down your most secret dream in life. Mine is to live in a foreign country, preferably in Europe, specifically France, obviously Paris. Which is funny, because I don't remember loving Paris when I went after high school. I probably needed more than a day to soak in the awesome.

Recently we watched Midnight in Paris, which only reaffirmed that A: We should move to Paris and 2: The 20's were awesome

In my dream I look like this girl, because Paris makes you glamorous.

We would both love to learn french, and I think it would be cool for our kids to live other places before they get too old for it. That is, when we have kids.

Cool right? This is me putting it out into the universe. Because my mom says that's the first step.